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মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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Message of Chairman


Rural Electrification Program in 1977 under Area Coverage Rural Electrification was to ensure reaching power to the vast rural areas of the country to help improve the socioeconomic stratum of the rural multitudes. The Board in this noble stride, commenced its institutional development and operational activities on 01 January 1978 and since then it has encountered many challenges and accomplished a great deal to become, beyond doubt, a true national infrastructure development program by drawing interest and trust of the people
through-out the length and breadth of the country. Rural Electrification program over the past thirty nine years is dedicated to ensuring
continuous growth and development in rural and suburban infrastructure, and has registered some very positive gains for the rural multitudes in respect to significantly increasing the rate of literacy, promoting health and family welfare, new employment facilities to rural men and
women, increasing productivity both in farms and small & large industries and also help developing industrial habit hitherto unknown to the rural people. The success and achievement of the program continues to be acclaimed by the donor countries and development partners as well as by other countries. The successful operation of the seventy Palli Bidyut Samities round the country demonstrates that quality electric utility performance can be attained through proper implementation and strict adherence to appropriate approved policies and system. In addition to the existing projects under implementation, REB has prepared few more new projects to bring the unserved areas of the country under Rural Electrification network. With the cooperation of all concerned, we firmly believe that REB will steadily continue in bringing phenomenal changes in rural lives. I take this opportunity to convey my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who have contributed to-wards enriching Rural Electrification Program.

Major General Moin Uddin (Retd)
Chairman, BREB